
John Travolta gives another brilliant performance in a suspenseful true story that's been praised as the greatest legal thriller of all time! Jan Schlichtmann (Travolta) is a cynical, high-priced personal injury attorney who only takes big-money cases that he can settle out of court. Though his latest case at first appears straightforward, Schlichtmann soon becomes entangled in an epic legal battle... one where he is willing to put his career, reputation, and all that he owns on the line for the rights of his clients. Also featuring Robert Duvall, William H. Macy and John Lithgow - this gripping, widely acclaimed hit delivers edge-of-your-seat entertainment.

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Sulkeutuu 15 vrk 33 min
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3 € Sulkeutuu 15 vrk 33 min

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19.6. klo 23:34

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20.6. klo 3:33
